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I have this MEMS sensor on a custom board to detect landscape or portrait mode of my device.The problem is that it doesn't generate an interrupt.- 4D mode should be sufficient.- Range 2g- Tested different ODR settings. My current code is now:     voi...
Hi all,I'm struggling for days why my RTC wakeup doesn't work.The program is running FreeRTOS, but I want the uC in Lowpower Sleep for 3 minutes.So I set RTC on 1Hz, counter 180 and internal wakeup.Activated the EXTI RTC interrupt.But it immediately ...
Hi all,I'm currently not able to read the temperature of my lis2de12.It always returns zero. lis2de12_temperature_meas_set(&dev_ctx, LIS2DE12_TEMP_ENABLE);lis2de12_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LIS2DE12_ODR_400Hz );lis2de12_block_data_update_set(&dev_ctx, ...
Hi all,Can anyone help me out how I should read out the two bytes 10 bits ADC result from the MCP3021 address is 0x4C 1001100(RD/WR) I'm using ...
Hi all,We deployed a lot of devices that have a STM32G431KBU6 controller.It basically has a foot switch to turn on/off a 12v DC motor and a rotary switch to control the speed.We use EEPROM emulator to save the speed setting.If speed setting is differ...
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