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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...

After successfully added a second project to the workspace as static st32 library, I would like to know ho consume this library from the main project. From Path and Symbols I added the library ${workspace_loc:/ModuleA/Debug/libModuleA.a}.

What else should I do to let my project see header files? Is it correct to add an include path suchC:\Progetti\STM_Projects\ModuleA\Base. But I would like that it sees all the files and possible without an absolute path? What is the correct syntax?Be...

FMarr.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! #include <string> into cpp header file

Hello everyone, I have a problem with include string methods into cpp header file. I created .cpp files like in this example:, I generated the project with c++ checkbox.When I #i...

JuniorSTM by Associate II
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protected files change

I use cubeIDE 1.5.1. I download standart example BLE_HeartRateFreeRTOS. It has got file app_conf.h In cubeIDE it has got strange icon. In app_conf.h I change CFG_LED_SUPPORTED to 1 and save. Clean and Build. But app_entry.c still thinks that define i...


Resolved! undefined reference to

Hello!Can somebody say what im doing wrongI have project in STM32CubeIDE with lwip and freertosIm trying to add new thread(as new task) with exist principles and cant do it/* Definitions for TCPip */osThreadId_t mtcpConHandle;const osThreadAttr_t mtc...

Agde.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Distribuited compilation.

Hi,due to size of project, i would like to know if there is some plugin to distribuite compilation over more cores like Incredibuild does on visual studio or is it possible, meaning it is supported to develop for stm32 under visual studio.Even other ...

FMarr.2 by Associate III
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