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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

PDM2PCM library

Hi, I am planning to convert PDM samples received from MP34DT05TR-A to PCM samples with 24 bit resolution at 48KHz sampling frequency using PDM2PCM library in stm32f401RE MCU. As per document PDM2PCM library only gives samples with 16 bit resoluti...

KK Y.1 by Associate II
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Can't build a project after importing it

Here's the scenario:I have clean workspace. I have two projects on disk I want to import into the workspace. I store them on my Google Drive locally sync'd to my computer (Windows 10).I import one of the projects and try to build it. I can't beca...

Resolved! [SOLVED] Weird behavior debugging STM32H753

Dear experts,I hit a strange problem when debugging in CubeIDE code with a bootloader on Nucleo STM32H753.The bootloader sits in sector 14. The boot address of STM32H7 is redirected there via the option bytes. The main code starts at sector 0 (a.k.a....

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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STM32CubeIDE crash on Linux.

I've installed the STM32CubeIDE on MX Linux in both versions (Generic and Debian Linux). Every installation crashes first after the search for targets. After some tries the software found successful the parts. Then I have crashes after the normal sta...

HHoop by Associate
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CubeIDE / GCC Flash code placement... How to split the program into more than one flash sector and leave a 16K sector empty in-between ? STM32F446

Where might I find the information to do something like this ? Need to make good use of flash space and would like to keep one of the 16K sectors for updatable calibration data.I would think this would be one solely in the linker script but evidentl...

constant data structure can't be watched

I have a project which use STM32H743ZI, and i have a data structure#define APP_MODULE_MAJOR (INT8U)0x01 /*!< Major version of the APP module */ #define APP_MODULE_MINOR (INT8U)0x01 /*!< Minor version of the APP module */ ...

MFawzy by Associate II
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