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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 was released today on as well as an in-tool update patch. What is new in 1.16.0?Microcontroller and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.12.0 : STM32C0, STM32WB0 and STM32MP25XXAdded CMake support for multicontext projec...

Resolved! What is the trick to view SFRs in debug?

My sincere apologies for what I am sure is an idiot newbie's error. Thank you everyone for your time.I have STM32CubeIDE and I do not seem to be able to read back values of SFRs (peripheral registers) while in debug. E.g. my code containsHRTIM1_MASTE...

VGusi.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0 code on STM32G0B1 CAN bus ID filter not working once using (HAL_FDCAN_ConfigGlobalFilter(&hfdcan1, FDCAN_REJECT, FDCAN_REJECT, FDCAN_FILTER_REMOTE, FDCAN_FILTER_REMOTE) .

Classic CAN configuration as below. when the line "if(HAL_FDCAN_ConfigGlobalFilter(...))" is removed, the CAN messages are received without issue. The transmitted message is set as ID: 0x111 . Confirmed by a CAN bus monitor.Configuration as below:FDC...

Jackle by Associate III
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Thread safe malloc

I am currently writing a code on stm32l496vg with freertos. I came across a lot warnings about malloc thread safety issue. Now, cubeide 1.7.0 says it provides thread safe malloc in default. Is problem solved now?What is the exact release date of cube...

SAkta.1 by Associate
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stm32cube ide and iar ide

I am using bno080 dev board with nucleo board.I have the code from github which is done in the IAR IDE. am using stm32cubeide....While initializing the project in IAR IDE they asked to enable i2c configur...

AR.7 by Associate II
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Resolved! Excessive resource usage

Hi, I am attaching a simple .ioc configuration file with which I generated a new project using stm32 cubeide which when compiled generates a footprint of about 12kB.Frankly, it seems excessive to me, to the point of making this platform unusable for ...

Generate code guarded by #if DEBUG

Can I have CubeIDE generate GPIO initialization that will be guarded by #if DEBUG?On my board there are LEDs that are connected to pins which are also used for debugger connection. I want cube IDE to initialize those pins as outputs only if I set the...

TMark.14 by Associate III
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Error while debugging.

Hey guys I am facing this issue badly and I am not able to figure out the issue. Please let me know what could be the problem. I have shared the error belowError in final launch sequence:Failed to execute MI command:target remote localhost:61234Error...

NBhar.1 by Associate II
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