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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

STM32U575(Nucleo-U575ZI-Q) SAI Transmit/Receive

When we use STM32U575 communicate with codec(ES8374) on SAI(I2S Bus). In SAI(I2S Bus),  STM32U575 is master and codec is slave. In STM32CubeMX, STM32U575 use SAI1a to Transmit with mode : Master with Master Clock OUT and use SAI1b to Receive with mod...

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Resolved! Synchronization between PWM signal and ADC

Hello! I'm trying to synchronize a PWM signal with an ADC (by TRIGGER OUT EVENT). There are 2 issues: 1. The frequency of the PWM signal is 200 Khz and the frequency of the ADC is 12 Mhz. According to the calculation of 14 cycles (12.5 cycles + sampl...

Resolved! Issue with multichannel ADC readings in stm32f334r8

Hi,I am working on interleaved buck converter for which I have to sense muiltiple voltage signals from current sensor,so I am using ADC1 of stm32f334r8. The problem what I am faceing is that if I vary the voltage on PA0 pin which is ADC1_IN1, the adc...

vasudev by Associate II
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Resolved! stm32f0xx_hal_can.h bug found, please fix it

Hello friends, I have been seeing the same bug in stm32f0xx_hal_can.h for some time, whenever I start a new project I correct it, but I would like you to leave it corrected to avoid correcting it each time I start a new project.The bug prevents to se...

RamiroGJ by Associate II
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Resolved! strtok sets FLASH SR flags

I'm using the STM32CubeIde 1.12.0 Build: 14980_20230301_1550 together with the STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.5.1 and FreeRtos.When I run the strtok the first time I see that the Register in FLASH->SR change the value from 0x00 to 0xe0. What later makes problem ...

Mat1 by Associate III
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JTAG Communication with STM32F103ZET6

I am currently conducting verification on a custom board implementing STM32F103ZET6. During this process, I have encountered an issue with JTAG communication. The debugger I am using is the STLINK-V3SET.Communication via SWD: Communication using the ...

R.A by Associate
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 STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.3.0Copyright (c) 2023, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.Starting server with the following options:Persistent Mode : DisabledLogging Level : 1Listen Port Number : 61234Status Refresh Delay : 15...

sram.1 by Associate II
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HAL_I2C_Mem_Write Stuck

Hi everyone, i am working on a STM32C011F6P6i am trying to apply some I2C setting to other chipnormal writing value to corresponding addressbut seems the HAL_I2C_Mem_Write function is stuckedthese are the read and write functionHAL_StatusTypeDef i2c_...