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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

STM32L476 + ST25RU3993

When I tried to start my device using the sample code provided by the manufacturer, I received the error messages "SetBaseFrequency not working" and "PLL not working". I have confirmed that the device's crystal is functioning properly and the MCU is ...

Alex_tw by Associate II
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Resolved! Upgrade issue IDE 1.10.1. Project to IDE 1.13.1

Hi, I tried to use a broadcom lib (AFBR_S50, libafbrs50_m4_fpu.a)  on a STM32F401 nucleo board.This works quite well for the IDE 1.10.1. I can compile the example program and run the debugger. But as soon as I try to migrate it to a higher IDE versio...

ekopi by Associate
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Resolved! Toolchain version

Hello,is it ok to use the __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__ and __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ marcros, to check the toolchain version, at compile time?I am using the following toolchain version:In this case and the macros have the following values:__GNUC__ = 10__GNUC_M...

CTabo.1 by Senior
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Resolved! RTOS use Taskhandle in other .c file

Hello guys,i try to use RTOS with my STM32H723, but i have some trouble with the RTOS Tasks and the proper definition of the task.As an example i want to push the blue button on my Nucleo board, which triggers an Interrupt, which executes a RTOS Task...

DeBa92 by Associate II
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Failed to start GBD server

Hi everyone, I'm working with the STM32H747i-Disco, had several projects working just fine, then I tried to load the example project FatFs_uSD to the board, it didn't work and after that I keep getting the error: Failed to start GBD Server. Any Idea ...

GDB server.jpg
JuanBT by Associate II
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Resolved! GCC Linker script sections

How to put all code from one file in one linker section?I'm using Cubeide with gccThe following functionality should work but it doesn't for some reason, can anyone help here?It shall be possible to group functions in a section based on some filters....

Resolved! What is ltrans.o in .text section?

I am using STM32Cube IDE to build for the STM32F030. The MCU we are using has 16 KB flash, and we are looking for ways to reduce the build size to get it to fit. In the process of looking at module build sizes, I noticed the following at the start of...

JD1800 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 I2C Busy Error

I2C was used in stm32, butIn the picture below, I am using the Write and Read functions, but the error message “busy” appears. Is there a way to resolve this?I'll post pictures and code together.  

Error busy.PNG Main.PNG