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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...


hi all,i am trying to use the esp322's TX and RX pins to transmit a string from the STM32F407 and display it to the Hercules. The problem I still have is that it cannot send even though I have selected the correct COM port and Baud-ratemany thank.

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IOC tab not rendering in Ubuntu

I have a freshly installed stm32cubeide 1.13.2 on my ubuntu 22.04 machine and I've created a new workspace with a new project. In the beginning, everything works fine. But after generating code, closing the ioc file tab, closing the IDE and reopening...

split words

Hello i have an Arduino project. I need create an array of words from sentence: char sText[] = "This is a long text."; int x = 0; String arr[5]; //split by space char *token = strtok(sText, " "); while (token != NULL) { arr[x] = token; x++...

Schamann by Associate II
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unable to bootup CYW4373 (2BC/2AE) with STM32L4R9.

HiI'm using STM32L4R9 (I have L4R9I-Eval and on my custom board I am using STM32L4S9ZIJ6) with CYW4373 (I am using EAR00436 and its uSD Adapter, which use 2BC module from Murata which is also mounted directly on my custom board), with ThreadX and Net...

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_uttam by Associate
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Using vectors in stm32 mcus, vectors in live variables

Is it possible to use dynamic size vectors in stm32 processors (to a certain level)? There is a function where I need dynamic size arrays. If it is possible/decent, how do I see them in live variables? When trying I only see the first element (correc...

avi_m by Associate
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Resolved! Target USB Comms error

Hello all,I am programming on the NUCLEO-C031C6 and have some errors debugging the project. I have connected the board with micro-usb as it must. However i get following error message:Thank you in advance.

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Resolved! Error: failed to erase memory

Hi,While flashing code in STM32G474VBT6, I am getting below error. After reinstalling cube ide and cube programmer, same error continues. STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.4.0Copyright (c) 2023, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved....

Nsg1987 by Senior
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