Hello, So, I'm trying to display a 4 Digit number on 4 7-segment Display using multiplexing The issues are - 1. I'm using different Ports for Segments and Different Ports For common Cathode Pins ( I'll add the code below) 2....
Thank You for the inputs this will help me a lot in the development. I'm pretty new to firmware Dev. I'll keep this things in mind and make the necessary changes.I'll try it implementing your suggestions.
Hello ,Thank you for this detailed steps. I already implemented it with various codes, let me share it with you. void DisplayDigits(uint8_t digit1, uint8_t digit2, uint8_t digit3, uint8_t digit4) {
// Segment representation for digits 0-9
Hello,Thanks for your reply I have 4 PNP-Transistor which i connect to the 7 segment in order to drive it. I created one schematic which I connected here.You can check Thanks