STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Not working on battery

I have an application taht works fine when I power the board from USB ST-Link, but it does not work when powered by battery. LD7 lights up, but no other LEDs. My app turns some on immediately.When powerded by USB I get LD5 Red, LD7 Red and two user ...

shorai by Associate III
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Resolved! FSK bandwidth selection documentation error?

In 5.5.3 FSK modemBR = 32 x HSE32_freq / BitRate where HSE32_freq = 32 MHzFdev = Fdev[Hz] / FreqStep where FreqStep = HSE32_freq / 2^25The document then states that to ensure correct modulation the following limit applies: (Fdev + BR/2) < BWIn the...

JKo by Associate III
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STEVAL-ASTRA1B - I can build, flash and debug via stm32cubeide. Alas, the STAssetTracking app won't load on my android moto g pure. Alternatives?

Question1) is there a way to input the needed "commisioning" data (that the STAssetTracking app would do via BLE) into the ASTRA and start the OTAA for lorawan?Question2) is there an application note for the above question? or some other doc (already...

whistle by Associate II
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How to disable OOB?

STM32WB55 as a central (client)Sending ACI_GAP_SEND_PAIRING_REQ and getting ACI_GAP_PAIRING_COMPLETE_EVENT with failed. reason: AUTH_REQ_CANNOT_BE_MET.As I matched all the other settings to the server(peripheral) device settings.Was curious if the OO...

DS.4 by Senior II
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Why is pairing taking so long?

I am using the stm32wb55 as a Central.When pairing to my server, I encounter long pairing times.About 80 seconds from the moment I send the passkey to the time I get paired complete event..(I have no errors in the pairing complete event)I did not hav...

DS.4 by Senior II
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Resolved! STM32WB programming time during production

Hello,I developed an application to automate the programming of the STM32B55xx, since I have a batch of more than 10000 parts. I used the documents AN5185 and UM2237 as a basis. For this product, I am using FUS version v1.2.0 and the "stm32wb5x_BLE_S...

pzt by Associate II
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Resolved! How can I reset ADC measurement for the next measurement?

Right now, I'm focusing on increasing ADC channel.I assembled the STM32WB55VG microcontroller and 8:1 mux.The mux is contolled by three GPIO pin for [2:0] encoding to select channel.The output of mux is connected to the ADC and I can see the ADC data...

KKIM.6 by Senior II
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