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Hi all,I'm referring to BLE_HeartRateFreeRTOS example project. As per my understanding, controller wakes up to advertise based on the Adv Interval. This can be fast(80ms-100ms) or low power advertising(1s-2.5s).In this project there is a default task...
Hi allWe are using STM32WB55 for BLE application. By default, the TX power is added to AD data structure. Got to know that we can use this below API to remove the field from advertisement. ret = aci_gap_delete_ad_type(AD_TYPE_TX_POWER_LEVEL);Is there...
Hi ST CommunityI'm working on a BLE Beacon application. There is a device which is beaconing every second. Goal is to scan for these beacons and update to gateway.  Using this function 'aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc' to scan for the beaconing ...
Hi community,I have an application to sample the ADC and go to sleep(STOP2) mode. From the RM0434 got to know that cannot use the ADC/DMA interrupt as a wakeup source to get the ADC converted valuesSo I went with the Polling approach as shown in the ...
Hi ST Community Is it possible to use the ADC polling/DMA/IT in STOP2 mode. The application is to develop a low power platform for ADC sampling and go back to sleep. After a certain period send this data over BLE.
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