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I think i bricked my chip but dont know what happened and how i could revive the chip. The Error when i try to connect with STM32CubeProgrammer is: "Error: ST-LINK error (DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR)"What have i done to get to this state: erase chip completly...
Im using the Thread_Coap_Generic Example for the STM32WB5MM-DK (CUBEWB version 1.15.0). THe CPU2 Binary is as it is descibed in the readme.txt "stm32wb5x_Thread_FTD_fw.bin". I want to change the logging level of the Openthread. The Change of OPENTHR...
The Interface of the Library (ble_mesh.h) in the STM32WPAN layer seems not up to date, some functions does not work (like BLEMesh_SetRemotePublication) and the descriptions are outdated.The return value of some functions are misleading/wrong, e.g. th...
I connected my STM32WB5M DK with USB DFU mode according to manual and description.When i want to read or write the opt area over the cli and i got the error:Error: OTP programming is currently not supported on MCU devices What does it mean it is curr...
The Bluetooth Mesh Library version 1.14.0 has the following Capabilities:[Library Capabilities]Net Keys = 3App Keys = 3Elements per Node = 5Models per Element = 11Subscription per Model = 10Is it possible to increase these value somehow? I want for e...
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