STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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LoraWan confirmed downlinks

Hello,I am trying to build an application on a STM32WLE5JBI6 that could work with confirmed downlinks. I thought that the LoRaMAC handled this but I could not find any mention of it in the documentation or in the code.As anyone already implemented it...

BLE air packet capture in STM32WB series

 I want to capture the BLE air packet to parse the BLE connection event by using nRF52840 Dongle and wireshark, but I met a problem.I can capture the air packet normally when the slave device is advertising. But once the connection is established, I ...

veryneo by Associate II
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B-L072Z-LRWAN1 ERROR dev_nonce_too_small

Dear ST Community, Dear ST Team.For a evaluation of the chip i would like to try over LoRaWAN Communtication to set a LED on and off.Sadly on the  tutorial program LoRaWAN_End_Node i get the ERROR: dev_nonce_too_small. The Problem is that on the Docu...

RSheetz by Associate
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NUCLEO WB55RG both server and client

Hi, I am currently working on the NUCLEO WB55RG board on a project configured by CubeMX as BLE server. Everything is working correctly on this side. The problem is that I am using 4 boards as server and i would like to send a broadcast message (adver...

BasileC by Associate
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Tickless idle on STM32WB55

I'm working on inserting the STM32WB55 into stop mode2 via the tickless idle for the FreeRTOSI saw that the SDK has an example for it: in the BLE_HeartRateFreeRTOS example for the nocleo wb55 I went over the code of the SDK and there was one line whi...


STOP2 Low Power Mode in STM32WB55

Hello,I'm using a custom board which has STM32WB55 as the MCU. For the application, requires the MCU in sleep mode. The chosen sleep mode is STOP2. I referred the example project 'PWR_STOP2_RTC' which is available for the p-nucleo board and tried to ...

ABN by Associate III
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How can BLE server access its own characteristics?

I am working with the STM32WB15 controller. I have implemented a few custom BLE characteristics and I want to be able to check the value of the characteristics on the server side (not from a read request from a client device). Is there a way to acces...

BMcGe.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32WL55 and DevEUI,++

The STM32WL55 Nucleo board comes with the LoraWAN DevEUI, AppKey et al.I assume that this is not the case for STM32WL55CC mcu itself, right? And I have to work out how to write that into each device by myself.// Niclas

Matter Thread end device commissioning failed

Hi,I am trying to commissioning NUCLEO-WB55RG Matter thread end device using chip-tool running on raspberry pi, It fails to commission.Reference Source Code used:Matter beta version for STM32 Github repo:

Shri_ by Associate
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OpenThread SED CoAP Power Consumption

I am using the stm32wb boards to learn OpenThread and develop a low power application to read some sensor data. My plan is to use a CoAP message to send the payload, and have been studying the THREAD_SED_Coap_Multicast example in an attempt to learn....

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jmarx by Associate
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