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Background:Our project utilized ST's IMU sensor LIS3DH, and according to business requirements, we used click interrupt and initial interrupt respectivelyThe sampling frequency is 10HzWe set the duration of the Initial interrupt to 120 to generate an...
Hello, guys.My goal is highly consistent with this ticket: hope to drive the LCD ili9341 based on STM32MP157F-DK2 but till now it has not...
I found the DMA request mapping of the F4 series on ST's official website. With this form, I can configure DMA on zephyr. My problem is that I cannot find the DMA request mapping of STM32WBA52CG. Can you provide me with one? Thank you.The device tree...
Sorry to bother you.I don't need the HDMI chip(sii9022) in my project. So, I first removed the HDMI chip on the STM32P157F-DK2. In fact, I manually removed it with a soldering iron. My SDK and development environment are based on "stm32mp1-openstlinu...
root@stm32mp1:~# uname -a Linux stm32mp1 5.15.24 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 16 11:56:41 UTC 2022 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux root@stm32mp1:~# pacmd list-sinks-inputs No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon. root@stm32mp1:~# alsa...
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