STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Resolved! Fail to download from github using git for STM32CubeWL

At this link,  using "Windows PowerShell" on Windows 11, method 4, failed.git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch v1.3.0 into 'STM32...

David_ by Senior
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📡 Help Needed: STM32WB10CCU5 OTA Handler

Hi all,I hope you're doing well. I'm working on a project with the STM32WB10CCU5 microcontroller and could use some help with setting up an OTA (Over-The-Air) update handler. I've searched through docs and examples but can't find a fit. Most resource...

SMazu.3 by Associate III
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Resolved! Memory issue while using "STM32WB1MMC"

During compilation with IAR, I ran into an error. Please refer to the picture below. Upon checking the source size via the map file, it appears as follows: After examining the RAM size, it seems that the capacity of SRAM1 is less than 12K. I believe ...

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KWOOJ by Associate III
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Resolved! Last bytes of OTP written at factory for STM32WL5MOC

I'm using a custom board with the STM32WL5MOC. I've noticed that the last three 32-bit words of the OTP have been written to the values: FF FF FF FF FE FF FF FF 02 00 10 38 D1 DB AF 46This makes the OTP 16 bytes shorter. Is this intentional, or is it...

DWalk.3 by Associate III
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STM32WB55 - Achieve lowest possible power mode

Hi,I've been searching for information on how to achieve a shutdown on both the MCU cores. The goal is to periodically wake the system with an RTC, read sensor data and emit a report. I have found some information on the need to set the correct flags...

Resolved! Secure Flash Area Approach

Hi.Something that needs to be done FOTA while using the code, so you need to write the flash area behind it.I want to use a sash area, but it is impossible to access the document.Please tell me if you have a way to do it.   

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songkw by Associate II
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