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I'm working with the p-nucleo-wb55, and I would like to configure the pin PA0 , PC13 to wake up the MCU from Standby Mode. I configued PA0 and PC13 from STM32CubeMX to GPIO_EXTI0 and GPIO_EXTI13 respectively.Config:PA0 : External Interrupt with Fall...
I would like to know percentage of memory usage of the ROM and the RAM of the microcontroller from output file.note ** I use source from application example named BLE_p2pClient under the Projects directory of the STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.2.0 FW pacakge.
I have a question about role of BLE. I would like to set multi role either as a central(master) or a peripheral (slave) on STM32WB. I checked on STCubeMX5.3.0 but not found multi role function. I would like to know this chip or software are support m...