STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

STM32F072B-EVAL SD card image

Hi,I am looking for a SD Card image from STM32F072B-EVAL kit. Without it demo program can not run. Package from ST site (en.stsw-stm32137) contains files from SD card, but it seems it does not work. I will be grateful for help.

pawelr by Associate
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Pulse width Measurement

Hey there, I'm a first-time user of the STM32 and I'm using the STM32F103C8T6 (Bluepill Board). I'm trying to measure the pulse width of two signals at the same time. I'm using two timers with input capture mode for this, but it's not working properl...

Atul_Dighe_0-1717408343733.png Atul_Dighe_1-1717408394287.png Atul_Dighe_2-1717408427121.png

Resolved! STLINK-V3SET vs ST-LINK/V2

Hi,I'm developing a new project using the STM32H723; I have to decide between the STLINK-V3SET and the ST-LINK/V2, may you help me to understand the main differences ?If I choose the V3SET, do I need to add any additional module ? Thank you, best reg...

carloV by Associate II
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