STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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using LCD-TFT controller without HAL

Hello, i am trying to configure the on-board TFT-LCD on STM32F429-Disc0 board and i want to do it without using HAL drivers, every tutorial on youtube or other platforms i see, are using CubeMX or HAL or both. I understand we need SPI5 to configure t...

sk12 by Associate II
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I2C Slave RX callback doesn't called

Hello everyoneI am using NUCLEO-H563ZI as master I2C, and STM32F412G-DISCO board as slave I2C, which should mimic temperature sensor TMP117.I am trying to send from master to slave a register number to read from, but the rx callback in the slave does...

MichaelR_0-1721544888128.png MichaelR_1-1721545083709.png
MichaelR by Associate II
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