STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

using LCD-TFT controller without HAL

Hello, i am trying to configure the on-board TFT-LCD on STM32F429-Disc0 board and i want to do it without using HAL drivers, every tutorial on youtube or other platforms i see, are using CubeMX or HAL or both. I understand we need SPI5 to configure t...

sk12 by Associate II
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Error in final launch sequence

 Hello,I am attempting to run a p2pServer_Ext sample application on my Nucleo WBA52CG board. Currently, I have a heart rate sensor application running on the same board. However, when I try to flash the new p2pServer_Ext application, I encounter an e...

Hardik02 by Associate II
  • 4 replies
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WB55RG/WB15CC and PLC01A1

Is NUCLEO-WB55RG/WB15CC compatible with X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1?I want to develop a controller that supports BLE and thought of starting with a combination of these two boards. Would be helpful if someone can confirm that these boards are compatible and can...

TLans.1 by Associate II
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B-L4S5I-IOT01A Pin Failure

Dear Team, I have Tried to flash B-L4S5I-IOT01A board I not able connect the board the I will verify U14 LDO supplyif JP5 -jumper is placed LDO input show 2.6v and Output 1.6V in multimeterelse JP5 - jumper is not placed LDO shows 5v and Output 3.3v ...