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Hello to everyone,Were to start? Let me first try do describe the setup.1. Using and STM32F446 chip on a custom board. The board has 2-32pins slots: Slot A and B.2.For communication I'm using the SPI protocol.3.For slot A using PE12(CKL); PE13(MISO)P...
Hi, I have a custom STM32F446 board. On this board I have an microSD slot that is connected through  SDIO (PC8,PC9,PC10,PC11,PC12 and PD2 pins)In order to write on the microSD i follow this instructions
So I'm using a SDIO connection to write some files to the SD card (MCU STM32F446Vet6).Using the PC8-PC12 lines. Using the FATFS and SDIO from CubeMX. In main.c file have this sniped of code /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ if(f_mount(&SDFatFS, (TCHAR const*...
Hi, I have an issue with the SD card on a STM32 F446VET. if(f_mount(&SDFatFS, (TCHAR const*)SDPath, 0) != FR_OK) { Error_Handler(); } else { /*DWORD fre_clust,tot_sect,fre_sect; FATFS *fs; f_g...
How I understand from this schematics: PC8 and PD2 have pull-up resistors connected to them while the rest of them don't, this means that the rest should get Pull-up resistor in the settings of the GPIO and this will enable the pull-up resistor from ...
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