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Hi, I have a custom STM32F446 board. On this board I have an microSD slot that is connected through  SDIO (PC8,PC9,PC10,PC11,PC12 and PD2 pins)In order to write on the microSD i follow this instructions
So I'm using a SDIO connection to write some files to the SD card (MCU STM32F446Vet6).Using the PC8-PC12 lines. Using the FATFS and SDIO from CubeMX. In main.c file have this sniped of code /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ if(f_mount(&SDFatFS, (TCHAR const*...
Hi, I have an issue with the SD card on a STM32 F446VET. if(f_mount(&SDFatFS, (TCHAR const*)SDPath, 0) != FR_OK) { Error_Handler(); } else { /*DWORD fre_clust,tot_sect,fre_sect; FATFS *fs; f_g...
How I understand from this schematics: PC8 and PD2 have pull-up resistors connected to them while the rest of them don't, this means that the rest should get Pull-up resistor in the settings of the GPIO and this will enable the pull-up resistor from ...
Hi, I'm working with an STM32F446VET MCU. The goal of the F446 is to get data from some sensors and store it on an SD Card and send it at the same time to a COM port. I was able to make Windows to recognize the USB/COM port (
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