Is there a MAC dev environment?
Posted on August 09, 2013 at 21:29Is there a toolchain and perhaps GUI to dev and debug from a MAC? #inemo
Posted on August 09, 2013 at 21:29Is there a toolchain and perhaps GUI to dev and debug from a MAC? #inemo
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 18:12Other than zero-rate and sensitivity are there any other calibrations that need to be performed on the L3GD20? #l3gd20 #l3gd20 #calibration
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 18:13Does the L3GD20 have FIFO empty interrupt available? #fifo #l3gd20
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 18:21What is an iNEMO module? What is iNEMO_M1? #inemo #module
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 17:34What should I do with the 3 ADC input pins of the LIS3DH if not used? #lis3dh #motion-sensor #accelerometer #accelerometer
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 17:36Other than offset and sensitivity are there any other calibrations that need to be performed on the LIS3DH? #accelerometer #motion-sensor #lis3dh #lis3dh
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 17:38The LIS3DH datasheet shows factory calibration parameters at Vdd = 2.5V. What if I use 1.8V, 3V or 3.3V Vdd? #accelerometer #lis3dh #lis3dh #accelerometer
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 17:38Does the LIS3DH have 96 levels of 16-bit data for FIFO? #fifo #accelerometer #lis3dh #accelerometer #lis3dh
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 18:04Does the LIS3DH have FIFO empty interrupt available? #motion-sensor #accelerometer #lis3dh #fifo #lis3dh
Posted on September 07, 2013 at 18:05When the LIS3DH FIFO is enabled, reading 6-byte data registers again and again will make the FIFO pop data automatically. How about only reading three high bytes OUT_X_H, OUT_Y_H and OUT_Z_H? #motion-sensor #f...