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Forum Posts

LIS2DS12 positive self test values

Posted on November 17, 2017 at 22:41What is the expected self test difference values that should be expected? The spec indicates between 70 mg  and 1500 mg which seems like a very large range. Most other ST sensors has this value in a few hundred mg...

LIS3DH or LIS331H @ 4.2V ?

Posted on November 17, 2017 at 14:02Hello,I'm trying to design device with all components powered by li-po battery to minimize the power losses, cost and SIZE.I'd like to avoid voltage regulator, level shifters etc.This sensors should be powered up ...

Resolved! LIS2DE12 Accelerometer I2C data Reading Problem

Posted on November 12, 2017 at 08:35Hi, I'm working with LIS2DE12 for motion detection. I have configured INT1. Whenever motion is detected I'm reading  INT1_SRC but its value is not changing. It is always same 01101000. Here's the configurations I ...

LSM6DS33 => problem with self test

Posted on November 13, 2017 at 11:16Hello,I recently bought two Pololu IMU03a systems, and both of them gives me negative self test (both accel and gyro). To communication I use I2c protocol.  During the test the device is stationaryCalibration:Rej....

How to get mG from LSM303DLHC

Posted on November 13, 2017 at 19:49I have developed a very simple driver for this sensor. I have a stm32f411ve discovery board which has one included.This is my configuration:PM_LSM303DLHC_config.ctrl_reg1_a = 0x27; PM_LSM303DLHC_config.ctrl_reg2_a...

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Problems in reading FIFO for LIS2DE12

Posted on June 09, 2017 at 08:18Hello all,I am configuring LIS2DE12 accelerometer with JN5169 module using I2C. I read the AN3308 application note of LIS3DH and implemented the code accordingly but I am facing the problems in the configurations.I ha...

LIS2DE12 no interrupt and constant acceleration values

Posted on October 09, 2017 at 18:31Hello,Firs of all thank you for your time.I'm currently working with a LIS2DE12 for its great low power current but unfortunately I'm not able to get any useful information from the device. I tried to active an int...

Resolved! LIS2DE12 Accelerometer data bytes

Posted on November 09, 2017 at 22:50 it provides 8-bit accelerometer val...

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