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Forum Posts

Resolved! LSM9DS1 side-effects of fast ODR setting?

I have been using the fast ODR setting to reach magnetometer data rates higher than 80hz. I have noticed that there are spikes of about +/- 250 in the data at higher frequencies. After some research, it seems this is caused by reading registers while...

ABoge by Associate II
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LPS22HB PLE interrupt not working

Posted on July 15, 2018 at 05:18Hi I am working with the LPS22HB eval board from ST and trying to generate an interrupt when the pressure drops suddenly.  So according to the data sheet this would be a PLE event (2nd bit of 0x0B register) Below are ...

how to get lsm303c INT_XL interrupt be "active low"

Hi,I am trying to get lsm303c output an "active low" interrupt on pin is my init code:void LSM303C_AccInit(void){    uint8_t result = 0;    ACCELERO_IO_Write(LSM303C_CTRL_REG1_A, 0b00100101);  // disable y axis to avoid mg     ACCELERO_IO...

GFone by Associate II
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Gasket 3d model for VL53L0X . Where to download?

I'm trying to apply the VL53L0X to an project that require extra air gap between module and cover window. I just saw a video from YT: that appear to be "official".There is 3d gasket model. It is available t...

DGodo by Associate
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VL53L1X Oudside

Posted on June 22, 2018 at 14:23I am looking for a successful setup for a VL53L1X in outside conditions any type of help to get more then 30 cm in sunny weather #vl53l1x

setting the VL53L1 ROI

Posted on July 09, 2018 at 13:01I'm tryong to set my ROI with the P-NUCLEO-53L1A1 and i can't find the function ( VL53L1_SetUserROI() ) in the SimpleRangingExamples Project , i'm using the IAR workbench , anyone have a clue ?

Self-test LSM330DLC

Posted on February 07, 2014 at 09:25Hello,For a project we are using the LSM330DLC 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope module. Chapter 4.1. of the datasheet (Doc ID 022162 Rev 2) mentions self-test functionality, which can be enabled by setting the se...

m2 by Associate
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