VL6180X: Does this device work under water ?
Posted on June 24, 2014 at 09:48Does the VL6180X work under water ? A. #vl6180x #proximity-sensor
Posted on June 24, 2014 at 09:48Does the VL6180X work under water ? A. #vl6180x #proximity-sensor
I am trying to use the FIFO to store accelerometer and gyroscope data on the LSM6DSL. While the acceleration data appears correctly in the FIFO, the gyroscope x and y axis data is only being stored as zeros. The gyroscope z axis data is being stored ...
Hi, is there any way to reset all registers to their default values rather than doing it manually?There is a option call "reboot memory content". However, it seems to be no effect to other registers. So I am not sure what is this thing doing, can any...
Hi, currently, lis3dh is running well with IA1 function, but if i want to change some config, such as CTRL_REG1(20h) for change target axis INT1_CFG(30h) for target axis and direction change INT1_THS(32h) fo...
In the datasheet, it says that LA_TyOff can be eliminated by enabling built-in high pass filter, but for accelerometer, the high pass filter can't be disabled (I assume that the normal mode means high pass filter is enabled, in CTRL_REG7_XM). I had a...
Posted on March 05, 2018 at 16:43Hi,I am a novice trying to work on some sensors by connecting them to the STM32L476 nucleo 64 board. Currently I am trying to use the Time of flight sensor, VL53L0X breakout board, by connecting it at the I2C pins on...
Namely, I want to know the linear acceleration sensitivity of the LSM9DS1 expressed in (m/s^2)/LSB, not in the g/LSB. It is well known that g at the Earth Poles is 9,832 m/s^2, but at the Equator is 9,780 m/s^2.Yes, such few difference is important f...
Hi ,for my new project, we placed two LIS3DSH vibration sensor on one small PCB,and we need to acquire both sensor data simultaneously with different address on same I2C port,Can you give any idea about how to manage two Lis3DSH data aquation on same...
Hi I am using, ST eval (STEVALI109V2),suddenly its not working,its not giving usb port ,when i connected to PC, D1 & D5 LED are blinking,please guide me ,how to fix it.Regards,Chaitanya