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I design a battery powered BT Tag using LIS3DE. I want to detect movement as a trigger to transmit BT beacons. Which mode should be choose if I want to reduce the power consumption.

LIS3DE connects to BLE IC using I2C Bus and INT pinsPlease state the mode according to time before and after the trigger.Second, if I want to monitor 30 seconds after trigger to double check is it need to transmit BT beacons. May I use LIS3DE FIFO to...

MotionFX: Different between implementation for M0 vs. M3

Hi,i am trying to use the MotionFX library on M0 MCU for LSM9DS1. As result i read the rotation_9X structure and use yaw as heading for compass result. The result showing the rotation but i see the offset on the Z axis of the gyro and the heading res...

drozel by Associate II
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