The starter microcontroller is STM32L041F6P7, and the application is a wireless sensor module (868Mhz, Fire / Water Leak / Gas Leak / PIR Sensors)).In the future microcontrollers can be used are STM32L053R8T6 or STM32L152RBT6.
Types of sensors: "water leak", "temperature / fire", "gas leak", "PIR" and "AC leakage". The sensor module will connect to the LoRa transceiver (+ MCU): ATSAMR34/R35 (Atmel).
Thanks very much Clive Two.Zero for the quick answer. Is it possible to use graphical programming (similar to Visuino) in the STM embedded systems? If I turn to Atollic IDE, will it be possible to use them for more professional applications?
Thanks AvaTar for a quickly answer. Since everything is determined by the LoRa network specifications, I think that the battery consumption, the availability of appropriate communication interfaces (I2C, SPI, ...) and rich analog front-end are the de...