MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

What is the frequency range of LSM6DSL sensor?

Hi, I am using LSM6DSL Click Board to measure an expected frequency of 1hz. The datasheet seems to be very vague on this, or I might have missed it. If anyone knows on this information, please share. Thanks

SNik.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! 404 when accessing AN4987 application note

I am having a hard time configuring the LIS2MDL via the sensorhub on the LSM6DSM. The datasheet gives very little information. I would like to check the application note but I can't reach it.

MScho.3 by Associate
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How to use STEVAL-STLKT01V1 SensorTile with ANN?

Hi,I get a  STEVAL-STLKT01V1 development kit and I try to run ANN on the board. I have some questions about using it.To program the board, an STM32 Nucleo board is essential? If not. Now, I have embeded the pro-trained ANN in the MCU by connecting a...

Kchen.1 by Associate
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Resolved! How to read E-compass on STM32F3DISCOVERY board?

Hi, I'm evaluating on the STM32F3DISCOVERY board using STM32CubeIDE but I'm having trouble interfacing with the onboard E-compass. In the Device Configuration Tool, I've enabled I2C1, since the user manual states that the MCU controls the E-compass v...

RLee.2 by Associate II
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