Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: How to distinct vibration of several motors, mounted on same basis?
Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: Is there a cost for the software development tools?
Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: From the presentation, it seems that ultrasonic microphone can monitor all kinds of failures. So in which case are accelerometers more suitable?
Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: Does the data pre-processing for ultrasound include aother techniques like Mel frequency cepstral coefficient or Linear frequency cesptral coefficient?
Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: hello, I want to measure the vibrations on a test bench of a truck gearbox?
Hi, I have nucleo F401RE and max30100 sensor. the sensor dont get enough voltage apparently, i tried to use voltage regulator and it did not work. The led is on but i can not get information from the sensor. it worked with arduino nano perfectly.
Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: is the product prepared also for industrial use? With IP65 protection,, mounting solutions?
Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: Hi , can you please give us an idea about the cost of this system
Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: Hi, what do you think about analog MEMS accelerometer in condition monitoring? Is this only an old technology or there will be future?
Question from Predictive Maintenance Webinar 29th of April: Is it possible to connect such hardware to predictive maintenance matlab toolbox?