MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Accelerometer and Gyroscope Development Kit

Hello ST Team,I am in need of a 6-axis accelerometer + gyroscope sensor. I would need a development board /kit with access to Bluetooth.I want to try the ADL activities and explore the data being generated.Can you please suggest both products for me ...

MShaf.1 by Associate
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Resolved! LSM6DSL temperature drift?

We have a problem reading acceleration data from the LSM6DSL sensor.The sensor is placed next to a linear controller, which heats the sensor a little. After switching on, the acceleration value drifts away according to the temperature (see Screenshot...

THofr by Associate II
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Resolved! LSM6DS3 EVB "STEVAL-MKI160V1" communication issue with WHO AM I

Hi STwe are seeing wrong response for WHO AM I command,SPI Configuration:SPI Freq- 100KHZSlave Select - Active lowCPHA- 1CPOL - 1bit order - MSB firstsent 0x8F00 on MOSI line and seen 0x0040 and it was random some times we are seeing 0x007F as a resp...

SChin.2 by Associate III
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I read the data of the accelerometer and magnetic sensor from STEVAL-MKI173V using I2C communication. However, 0 is output for the magnetic sensor data. How can I read the value of the magnetic sensor accurately? Please teach.

In addition, what formula do you use to convert the magnetic sensor data to azimuth?There was no error in the I2C communication itself.In addition, I2C communication was performed according to the communication format of LSM303AH.The program is as fo...

KTaky.1 by Associate II
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