2021-05-28 08:44 PM
Hi I’m using an arduino heart rate sensor on the nuclei f411re board and I am getting output values of 2000-3500 when not pressed and values between 0-10 when pressed I can’t find much information about it online and I was wondering what do these numbers exactly mean? On the internet I have seen outputs of arduino between 60-100.
this is the sensor I am using. https://www.auselectronicsdirect.com.au/heart-rate-pulse-sensor-module-for-arduino-project?gclid=CjwKCAjwqcKFBhAhEiwAfEr7zZgCF352JfZAUrQ0SwoDAuGfIB-37AJCSLpHLK-ZPvs-pB2u6-bhiRoC9JwQAvD_BwE
2021-06-01 04:34 AM
Hi @MMori.6 ,
it is difficult for me, to help you without more information about the heart rate monitor.
it seems a data interpretation problem to me.
you should check the datasheet (or ask for it to whoever sold it to you) and see if the data coming from the HR monitor are processed as the datasheet says.
for example, check if the data is little endian or big endian, or if you somehow mixed the byte chunks.
hope this helps,