Resolved! how to customize qeexo model because it generates only binary code
we need to blink led for our command we are using stevalmks1v1b box
we need to blink led for our command we are using stevalmks1v1b box
I want to use wake up interrupt for two different thresholds at the same time,for example I want to give wake up threshold 1g for interrupt 1, I want to give 500 mg for interrupt 2. And duration will be different.I change the value of WAKE_UP_THS, W...
Hi, I am using X-NUCLEO-CCA02M2 microphone board with nucleo-f401RE for USB audio streaming. Can anyone share the details about interfacing pin connection(which I2S pin is used)?. My understanding is like timer is used to connect pdm clock with I2S...
Hi, I am using a LIS2DH12 chip to detect the orientation(in 3D space) of a device.For this purpose I'm using the INT pins in 6D position mode to generate interrupt signal/s, that will alert me if the device has exited/entered a known positional area....
I am developing a device that runs on a CR2045 battery, I need a sensor for determining the direction of people movement and counting, I choice VL53L1X. My question is: can this sensor detect movements autonomously without a microcontroller and gener...
When BW_FILT[1:0] = 00, it's different between AN5201 AND DATASHEET. Which one is real?in AN5201:In Datasheet(DocID031788):
Hello.I'm using VL53L1X sensor with Ultra Lite Driver (ULD). VL53L1X_GetRangeStatus function returns all the time status 255. This value comes from the array status_rtn[1]static const uint8_t status_rtn[24] = { 255, 255, 255, 5, 2, 4, 1, 7, 3, 0,...
Details:The high-pass filter can be configured in reference mode by setting the HP_REF_MODE bit in the CTRL7 register to 1. In this configuration the output data is calculated as the difference between the measured acceleration and the output values...