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Ctrl + Left Mouse Click doesnt work properly

Firstly, Thanks for nice ide to St Employee.I have little problem when I work System workbench Ctrl + Left Mouse Click goes function source code. But STM32CubeIDE When I Ctrl + Left mouse click only goes function header. I want to function source co...

How to configure debug for JLink using flash banks?

Hello, I am working with an STM32U5A9NJ, and I have a working elf file that I can load using Ozone. Ozone lets me configure flash banks when I create the project, but it does not seem to have the same feature in STM32IDE. How can I  do this in STM32I...

leofocuy by Associate II
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STM32G491 Flash memory organization

HelloFor my project I use a stm32g491rct6 with 256k flash. RM0440 Reference manual table 2 say that the flash of this Micro is 256KB in single bank, at this point what is the page size and flash mapping? In stm32g4xx_hal_flash.h FLASH_PAGE_SIZE is 0x...

STM32CubeProgrammer2.17.png STM32CubeProgrammer2.16.png


How can I download my application onto board when debugging from the Cube IDE 1.16 ?I have the NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q, and using the Cube programmer I can program the .elf to flash as it seems, which takes like 30 seconds.When I debug from the Cube IDE 1.16...

swenets by Associate
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STM32CubeIDE instability with MX

Hi all,If I recall correctly, CubeIDE V1.8 was very unstable when using the integrated MX, with many of the control components failing to redraw correctly, or not at all. Sometimes you could trick it into drawing by minimising and restoring the form....

PGump.1 by Senior
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