2018-08-28 12:46 AM
We're using a LIS3DE in our project wired up to the MCU as following:
So we're using I2C for communication and have access to both INT pins, but not to the reset line and neither is there a mechanism to hard-reset the accelerometer.
During development I've often used breakpoints that would mess up I2C and the LIS3DE would stop answering, even after a CPU reset and thus reset of the I2C communication. Only after a power-on-reset of the whole device (VCC off/on) the LIS would start working normally again (no changes in SW).
Since I don't have any access to the reset line I wanted to ask if there's any way to put the LIS in a known state, e.g., by pulling both SCL and SCA to low for a certain amount of time? Or have you noticed a similar behaviour on your side (the LIS being stuck)?
This should clearly be a development issue since there won't be any breakpoints in the final software, but since this device is powered 24/7 and thus has no power-cycles this could be a potential show-stopper.
Any input is appreciated :). Cheers and BR.Martin
2018-08-29 5:18 AM
You can try to send several clock cycles to SCL pin, until the SDA pin is released by the sensor.
It should help if the I2C communication is stucked.