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Forum Posts

LIS2DH12 HOWTO Convert Register value to mg value

Hi,  I am using the LIS2DH12 to interrupt me on an inertial wake.  I am running in Low Power mode with a scale of 4G.  After verifying that the X axis produced the force that caused the interrupt I read the X_OUT_L and X_OUT_H registers to get the 2'...

DPatt.2 by Associate II
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LSM6DSV16X: wrong WHO_AM_I read on SPI interface

Hello,I am trying to interface a Nordic MCU to a LSM6DSV16X, but I cannot get the communication to work.I am using 2 dev kits for this test setup, a nRF5340-DK and a STEVAL$MKI227KAA I got from the STEVAL-MKI227KA. VDD/VDD_IO are both 3V, CS/SPC/SDI/...


Lis3dh reading not repeatable/stable

HiWe are developing a project in which we are using LIS3DH to calculate the angle and based on that angle we stop/start an actuator.The sensor is mounted on a PCB which is aligned along x axis i.e. when stationary the acceleration in x axis is 1g * 9...

pthakkar by Associate II
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LSM6DSO analog anti aliasing

Hi,I would like to confirm if setting LSM6DSO ODR to 6.66KHz and LPF2 to ODR/10 (resulting to 666Hz bandwidth), then setting a FIFO decimation factor of 8 (resulting to 833hz FIFO ODR) will work in preventing aliasing for signals above 417Hz? We have...

adrianT by Associate
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Resolved! LPF2 on IIS3DWB and anti-alias

I use IIS3DWB with no LPF2 enabled, and I understand the Frequency response shown in Figure 13 at page 20 of the datasheet.I know that I can enable low-pass LPF2 filter, but from the same graph I don't understand if this filter can be enabled as a ha...

vix by Associate II
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MEMS Acceleromter

Hello,I am looking for MEMS accelerometer for seismic application.We need low noise, up to 100Hz bandwidth, full scale +-2g range.I consider IIS3DHHC as a candidate, which has features as below:3-axis, ±2.5 g full-scaleUltra-low noise performance: 45...

MEMS Studio Not Detecting STEVAL-MKI109D

I followed 'STEVAL-MKI109D Professional MEMS Tool motherboard for MEMS adapter boards' and installed MEMS Studio.I then placed STEVAL-MKI250KA on STEVAL-MKI109D by following UM3420 and AN6173.  When I boot MEMS Studio, it just does not recognise the ...

no conn.png
seanjm by Associate
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