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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1 was released on as well as an in-tool update patch aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.11.1 that is available for download. Main issues fixed in this patch: Ticket 177978 : Fixed an issue with ST-LINK firmware upgrade concerning th...

Why is there no Strg+F7 like in other eclipse solutions?

Hi there,sometimes i do not want to debug. I just want to transfer my project on the STM32. But like most other eclipse solutions the STM32Studio doesn't seem to have this feature Strg+F7?Is it there? Where can i find it? if not, will it come?I know ...

NHand by Associate II
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[STM32CubeIDE bugreport] #1 - unable to create an empty project with STM32CubeIDE, #2 - build job gets stuck forever trying to compile STM32Cube project

I'm using STM32CubeIDE v1.0.0 with CubeMX v5.2.0 under Windows 10 x64.There are two bugs i discovered. Please assist, thank youBug #1. When i try to create an empty project using the wizard, the following error message comes up:Internal Error: Illega...

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Resolved! Problem with compiler of STM32CubeIDE

Hi All;I found the problem with 1us. I use this function belowstatic void DelayMicroSeconds(uint32_t uSec) { uint32_t uSecVar = uSec; uSecVar = uSecVar* ((SystemCoreClock/1000000)/3); while(uSecVar--); }I will show result belowMy evolution board f...

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Gz by Senior
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Is anybody at STM dealing with STM32CubeIDE ?

I've posted a couple of possible bugs and so have lots of other people and I've yet to see a single response to any question by an STM employee. The video makes it seem like the next best thing, and the IDE you'll be supporting preferentially, but...

MikeDB by Lead
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STM32CUBEIDE Optimisation appears rather random

I have optimisation set to -o2 and every other Property and Preference is default. Processor is a H750. My code has a time critical inner loop which seems to vary from 14 up to 26 instructions for the same code, varying solely on the time of day when...

MikeDB by Lead
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STMCubeIDE + LwIP : lwip/opt.h no such file

I built a tiny project from scratch with LwIP (without FreeRTOS).CubeMX generates a project without any errors which I can compile and run.But when I modify my source code in main.c every compile stops with:../Inc/lwip.h:28:10: fatal error: lwip/opt....