User Activity

Good morning,I'm using a CAN bus on my STM32F446RE. Right, now, the CAN communication is working with only one rx filter. I saw in datasheet that we can use up to 128 filters. I don't need so many filters, but I'm trying to configure a second filter....
Hello,I'm trying to use temperature sensor and the internal voltage reference (VREFINT) of the STM32f042k6.Here is the extract form the datasheet (page 19/117) :When I measure these values, I don't have the same values than ST.For example, let's watc...
Hello,I want to save data in flash memory of a STM32F0 using HAL library :HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, 0x20000000, data); HAL_FLASH_Lock();I don't know which address is allowed to store user data in flash.Here is the ...
Hello,I want to program (first time) an STM32F042K6 with STLINK-V3SET using SWD.When I try to "connect" with STM32CubeProgrammer, I get these informations : "Error : No STM32 target found!". Here is a screen :The connections are : I tried to run the ...
Hello,I'm trying to use HAL for STM32H7. I have the "Description of STM32FH7HAL and LL drivers" which contains more than 3000 pages. But it is only a description of HAL.Can we find somewhere a guide, an application note or any document which explains...