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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 was released today on as well as an in-tool update patch. What is new in 1.16.0?Microcontroller and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.12.0 : STM32C0, STM32WB0 and STM32MP25XXAdded CMake support for multicontext projec...

CubeIDE Rendering issues on Linux (SOLVED)

I have some annoying rendering issuse with CubeIDE 1.3 running on Ubuntu 19.10 (Pop_OS).The problem is that some of the toolbox windows are not updating/re-rendering when switching tabs or perspective.Debug perspective seems to have most issues, see ...

Blem.1 by Associate
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Error in my cube ide code (Using Mat-target)

I get an error everytime i try to debug LED2. The error says: expectet identifier or `(` before `{`token. I added a screenshot of the code and where exactly the error is positioned. The code was modeled by simulink

Driko by Associate II
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STM32CubeIDE FreeRtos USB

Hi,I have problem with automatick generated code from STM32CubeIDESTM32CubeMX: 5.6.0MCU: STM32F407FreeRTOS API CMSIS v2I have two problems (at least)I have to change macro in usbh_conf.h, after this alloc works.#define USBH_malloc malloc #def...

JSvat.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Cant generate code, because CubeIDE didn't find firmware in /STM32Cube/Repository/ which was automatically downloaded installed

Fresh installation, when I try to create a STM32 project a zip file with firmware is downloaded and unpacked, but I still get this error message:"Code generation could not be done because necessary firmware package is missing. Not able to complete ST...

KOlsz.1 by Associate II
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Win10 - make permission denied

Hello, i installed on company laptop STM32CubeIDE to default folder C:/ST/... and created the workspace under c:/users/<username>/... by rightclick on installer --> execute as Admin.Afterwards I created a new project and tried to build, but then I g...

DBuet.1 by Associate
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How to force include path update ?

Hello,I use STMCube IDE v1.3.0 Build: 5720_20200220_1053 (UTC)When building, the include path are not updated with the include path properties.I notice this mis-alignement is caused in the cproject :include path are correct here : <option IS_B...

FTouq.1 by Associate II
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Debug Configuration

HelloDebug Cofiguration-Debugger-Reset behaviorThere are None, Software system reset, Connect under resetPlease explain each behavior.If you select Software system reset or Connect under reset, an error may occur.Thank you.

Ebun.1 by Senior
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