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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...

STM32CubeIDE and cluster support in the SFR panel view

Hello,I'm updating the STM32G0B1.svd file with the FDCAN RAM message registers because right now they are missing. Since it is a lot of registers arrays and clusters, I was willing to use those keywords in the svd file. However, when trying to debug,...

Kraal by Senior III
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Building .bin file CubeIDE

My CubeIDE project currently builds a debug .elf and I am trying to build a .bin file instead. In order to do this, I researched the forums that say I need to go to project properties: C/C++ Bulild->Settings->Tool Settings->MCU Post Build outputs and...

RKher.1 by Associate III
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Import from Keil MDK into STMCubeIDE

Hello,I have been trying to import an already-existing project into CubeIDE. This project was created on Keil MDK. So, when I import the project, CubeIDE does not recognize the drivers for the board I am program, nor the source files. How can I use t...

BRodr.3 by Associate III
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How to debug STM32IDE?

Hi. i'm beginner this field and researching for UWB system. so i bought the decawave product to get channel impulse response raw data.​Decawave provides an example, and the example is executed on stm32cubeide. so i installed some software and use the...

HJung.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! Kernel not starting

Hi all,I am pretty new to the STM32 world and I have just started to play around with the STM32F429 discovery kit and STM32CubeIDE. I am OK with the basic & introductory projects, and I was able to have basic IO operations like LED blinking run prope...

DK.9 by Associate II
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Is it possible to import Makefile in STM32CubeIDE?

I have a C project which is developed outside of STM32Cube IDE. The project contains Makefile.It will be very good to just import the entire project in STM32Cube IDE and compile using the existing Makefile as a part of a bigger project which is alrea...

MDrob.1 by Associate
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Semihosting on RUN mode

Hello,I have enabled the semihosting.The semihosting is running on the debug mode properly.And debug message by printf() is displayed on the console window of the cubeide.But if the project is ran on the run mode(run, not debug), my code is not proce...

Kim.Andy by Associate III
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Interrupts not working when using openOCD cubeIDE

I’m using cubeIDE and openOCD to debug on stm32f103. The interrupts not called although the interrupt flags are set. I tried to use GDB and they works fine for the same SW on the same board.So how to make then working using openOCD?I checked google a...

MSamy.1 by Associate II
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