User Activity

I have a touchgfx project, and I need to send bytes from a hex file over uart to a different micro. Everything in this works, but I am using dummy data that I hardcoded into the program. I want to be able to add a .hex file to my project, have my pro...
I just updated TouchGFX to 19.0 and I am having an issue with my FlexButtons. I have found that when I have a flexbutton contain text and it is populated by a wildcard, it will no longer show the wild card text, even if I don't update the text in cod...
I am working on a project what started with a ST32F7508-DK, and I generated the code and project in TouchGFX. Everything was working fine. Then we decided to go from 16bit SDRAM to 32bit SDRAM. So we created a board that was a copy on the discovery k...
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