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Hello,I plan to modify the USB Audio Class for a project created in STM32CubeIDE and using the USB Middleware library. I select the peripherals I need in the Device Configuration Tool, plus the USB_DEVICe Audio class. then I generate the code.In all ...
My end goal is to have an USB-to-I2S device running on STM32F411, built using the HAL and customizable.I'm trying to port the USB Audio 1.0 Playback example from to an STM32F411 target. X-...
I'm trying to create a composite HID device, mouse+joystick. I'm using the HID mouse profile as a starting point and then add a second interface. I also used an already existing example as a guide: the Arduino core based on the HAL is maintained by S...
I'm struggling to get a composite HID device to work properly.I started from the Mouse HID device and built a basic example. Mouse by itself works. Then I modified that example to impersonate a joystick. and that works, too.Then I create a composite ...
I'm planning to use a cheap STM32 board (either with a F103 or F401/11) as a joystick/rotary encoder controller for arcade games. I already have a working proof of concept using the old STM32duino cores (not HAL based), but I prefer to use the HAL en...
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