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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

Can not download stmcube ide

recently if i going to download stmcube ide it says this software is not available for download can anyone help me regarding this?Thanks in Advance

Asraful by Associate III
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Resolved! How to enable global interrupt for TIM3 (in PWM mode)

Hi, I want to enable the global interrupt for TIM3 so that I can recognize when it becimes active (it raises the pin).I've added:if(htim_base->Instance==TIM3){/* Peripheral clock enable */ __HAL_RCC_TIM3_CLK_ENABLE();/* TIM2 interrupt Init */HAL_NVIC...

debug by Associate III
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STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1 Not Generating Code

I have an STM32G474 project that has been working for some time but the latest update doesn't generate code from the .ioc config GUI.If I make I make changes in the editor and select generate code, the pop flashes quickly and goes away but no code ge...

DamageG by Associate II
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Resolved! Remove CubeIDE editor margin TODO tags.

Does anyone know how to remove the tags that show in the margin to the left of the line numbers in the editor when you have a 'TODO' in a comment on the line? They inhibit my viewing of breakpoints on the line. I guess I could get rid of side comment...

jlag by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 microcontroller clock

Hi all,I have a doubt regarding the while(1) loop in c based program for STM32MCU for both keil and STM32cubeIDE softwares.How can we get the cycle time of while(1) loop?I have program code for STM32g0 series of MCU and couldn't evaluate the cycle ti...

Resolved! SDIO DETECT is changed to PD5 which was earlier PF3

Hi, All    my file system is working with the eval board of STM32U575I-EV.       However, run the same software with NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q, file system doesn't work.    I found that SDIO DETECT is changed to PD5 NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q which was  PF3 on STM32U575I...