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Forum Posts

The CubeMX/CubeIDE login issue is resolved

Hello CubeMX/CubeIDE users.  From the time period of May 14 to May 17, 2024, some users have faced issues when connecting to the ST network while using CubeMX or CubeIDE.Some examples were issues downloading firmware packages using STM32CubeMX and ST...

STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1 was released on as well as an in-tool update patch aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.11.1 that is available for download. Main issues fixed in this patch: Ticket 177978 : Fixed an issue with ST-LINK firmware upgrade concerning th...

STM32CubeIDE 1.15.0 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.15.0 was released today on as well as an in-tool update patch. What is new in 1.15.0? Microcontroller and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.11.0 : STM32U0, STM32H7Rx/STM32H7Sx and STM32H523/STM32H533Added the support for t...


Hi!I'm configuring the STM32U599VJT with CubeMX enabling DCACHE1 and 2, as well as ICACHE. Code is generated without error, but functions like SCB_CleanDCache_by_Addr() are not enabled as the definitions in stm32u599xx.h do not include __ICACHE_PRESE...

paolog by Associate III
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lwIP deadlock with a twist

Setup:MCU: STM32F429PHY: DP83848 (MII)Advertised Mode: 10BASE-T, Half/Full-Duplex 100BASE-TX, Hal/Full-DuplexOS: CMSIS-RTOSv2CubeMX: Yes Just wanted to start of with mentioning that i've read and tried the fixes  provided by @Piranha. I've tried the ...

XD by Associate II
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Hello,until recently, I used the STM32F411CEU6 microcontroller; lately, I switched to the STM32G0B1.I've ported the old C++ code from the STM32F411CEU6 to the STM32G0B1.Everything works correctly; the only issue is that now, 'HardFault_Handler()' occ...

Resolved! In STM32CubeIDE How can I fix "arm-none-eabi-gcc: fatal error: cannot execute 'cc1': CreateProcess: No such file or directory"

When I create the default project for the NUCLEO-F429ZI board and build without any edits I get the following error repeatedly and would like to get rid of it. I can build the same on a different laptop. How can I solve this problem. "arm-none-eab...

jdsotack by Associate II
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STM32CubeIDE 1.14 and Darkest Dark Theme with DevStyle

I uninstall IDE v1.13 and install the new v1.4 from the ST website.Installation without problems, but already at the first launch I see that instead of the Information Center page it says "the page cannot be displayed".When I try to download Darkest ...

KHans.4 by Associate
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Resolved! ThreadX priority

Hi guys. Help solve this problem.I am working with STM32H745 and ThreadX. In my project, an external event generates an interrupt on EXTI10.The tx_event_flags_set() function is executed from the HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback() interrupt handler to start a p...

Resolved! STM32g0xx change boot address with option bytes

Hi, I used this code to change the boot address in the STM32U575 project:FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef OB_Data;/* Unlock Flash Control register and Option Bytes */HAL_FLASH_Unlock();HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock();OB_Data.OptionType = OPTIONBYTE_USER | OPTIONBYTE...

MishKa59 by Associate II
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