STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Can't build STM32WL FUOTA example with STM32CubeIDE

Hi,i'm trying to run example of LoRaWAN FUOTA firmware, but build attempt ends with fail. It looks like running script fails, but it only gives an information about 4 errors without any comment.After run ./build.bat I got following logs:#...

meloon by Associate II
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Working with aci_hal_tone_start WB55

Hi, I am trying to check the oscillator tuning of our boards and did some reference testing with a WB55 Nucleo. using aci_hal_tone_start. Using 0,0 I do get an output near 2.402GHz, but not quite were I would expect it. The header says the following:...

OliM by Senior
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STM32WL55 doesn't work with 1.8V

Hi,I am working on a LoRa application with the STM32WL5MOC module which features the STM32WL55JC microcontroller. According to the datasheet, this module is compatible with a voltage level as low as 1.8V.I am using the STM32CubeWL MCU Package for the...

SMav by Associate II
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STM32WB55RG BLE Example in IAR

Hi Team ,I was trying the BLE example application from GitHub in IAR Workbench. After a successful compile using IAR Workbench, the binary is not able to run on the eval board, and the board is not advertising the packet at all. However, when I run t...

OTA Firmware Update Bootloader

I'm working with an STM32WB09KE microcontroller and have implemented a bootloader to handle firmware updates downloaded via Bluetooth. The bootloader copies the downloaded firmware into the active application slot, and it works well for simple applic...

Emueller by Associate II
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STM32WB09 - No read event is generated

Hello. Im having issues generating an event when pressing read on my smartphone, on my CHAR_PROP_READ characteristic in my BLE service. I enabled the "GATT_NOTIFY_READ_REQ_AND_WAIT_FOR_APPL_RESP", which should notify when a read request of any type i...

s215477 by Associate II
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