User Activity

Good day I have recently purchased the board found in this link: am running to a lot of issues and need some help. Firstly , where do i find the Loriot gateway lrwan3 firmware.  I have a su...
Good day I recently purchased the P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 STM32 Nucleo starter pack and im having trouble sending anything to the gateway from the end node using Lora.  I am based in South Africa and am using EU433.  The gateway has successfully connected to...
The library i'm using has simple read and write operations and i'm struggling to comprehend how the device function code works. I am simply trying to read the IC ref register. To do so,I use the device select code '0xAF - 1010 1111b - System memory...
Hello We have built a custom board using the st25dv04k and are having trouble understanding how to use it. The device communication is using i2c and the started address we are always using is 0.The functions we are using are simple read and write fun...
Good day I am currently trying to get a st25dv04k running on an nrf9160dk using i2c. At the moment i'm having trouble 'waking' up the slave as i'm not sure what address to send the startup condition to. Please assist if possible.Thank you