STM32 MCUs TouchGFX and GUI

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Forum Posts

X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX 4.24.0 is out!

TouchGFX 4.24.0 is now out. Please follow this link to download it. 4.24.0 Release details: Release date: June 6th, 2024 New TouchGFX Designer Features: Added a QR Code widget.Added RGB Compression for images. New TouchGFX Core Features:  Added RG...

LouisB by ST Employee
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TouchGFX Academy launch announcement!

Dear Community, We're excited to announce the creation of the TouchGFX Academy! The TouchGFX Academy is a new place to learn TouchGFX with concrete examples and to find answers to your questions when developing your UI. It includes tutorials of cour...

TouchGFX documentation feedback

We wish to always improve our documentation. The best reviews and critics always come from the people that read it, so we would like to use this post to collect your thoughts and feedbacks. Please share what you like, dislike, what you think is missi...

Share your Custom Widgets!

When creating a UI project, you may need widgets that are not part of the TouchGFX library. To create your own graphical element, the TouchGFX team suggests using the Custom Container approach. Since TouchGFX 4.20 it is possible to export and import ...

STM32F4 + OV9655+ resolution SXGA??

Posted on April 03, 2017 at 20:54Hello anyone,Is it possible to take SXGA (1280 x 1024) resolution pictures with this camera?I have found examples of VGA header file, but I cant find anything about SXGA. Thanks.#sxga #camera #sdram #dcmi #ov9655

Memory management for STemWin

Posted on March 30, 2017 at 10:14Hi,I want know how ST manage the memory in order to run STemWin library.In my case, I am using F429IDiscovery Board.Firstly, I have seen that in stm32f429i_discovery_sdram.h it is defined the address 0xD000000000 fro...

JPEG into Memdev STemWin

Posted on March 28, 2017 at 10:20Hi,I am using 32F429I-Discovery Board with STemWin v5.32 and I am not able to show a JPEG image when I load it into a Memory Device.The code I am using is attached to the question.There firstly I draw the image at po...


Resolved! DSI PLL doesn't work with HSI

Posted on March 23, 2017 at 17:49Hello,I use DSI with external 25MHz osc. In some design I wanted to useHSI (is seems supported wrt. ref.manual) but the DSI PLL doesn'tlock at all.I use IDF=3 to have INFIN=16/3>4MHz and NDIV=125, thus Fvco=666MHz.OD...

STemWin - GUI_JPEG_DrawEx

Posted on January 24, 2017 at 13:17Hi.I'm using STM32CubeF4 1.14.0 with STemWin 5.32.I need to draw JPEGs from file using the DrawEx functions where the user has to provide a getData function which reads chunks of data from a file.However the ...Dra...

bbee by Associate III
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