2019-07-31 8:24 AM
I'm using the stm32H750 eval board, in my project i'm showing the date, with this piece of code:
Unicode::snprintf(mainScreenDateMonthTextBuffer, MAINSCREENDATEMONTHTEXT_SIZE, "%s", L"Gen");
i'm printing on screen Gen for Genuary.
That works fine on simulator, but on board only "G" is shown...
any idea why this happens?
2019-07-31 11:38 AM
Are you calling invalidate() for the TextArea as well?
Can you breakpoint in your code to see what's in mainScreenDateMonthTextBuffer to see if that get's overwritten somewhere?
2019-07-31 11:54 PM
yes i'm calling invalidate right after, in fact the text change when it has to, but just shown 1 letter instead of 3 (months name ), but in simulator all three letters are shown.
2019-08-14 12:35 AM
Any progress on this? I think i need to see your project. There's no obvious reason why this would happen.
2019-08-29 12:36 AM
i just created a bunch of resurces and switching between them. still no idea why simulator and board behave differently with snprintf