2019-08-08 11:11 PM
I not found graphic part for stm32h743i & h750 in cubemx. Why??
This microcontrollers don't support touchgfx??
how I will be using touchgfx in my h743 board??
In the meantime the stm32h743i board is my own design and construction.
Thank you for your guidance.
2019-08-08 11:46 PM
The option is currently not available for H7 mcu's. But you can create a basic project in TouchGFX Designer for the h750. Then create a project for the h750 with CubeMX in CubeIDE. Then transfer the TouchGFX files into the CubeIDE project.
2019-08-09 1:01 AM
Hi @mkari,
As @hansd56 correctly states, H7 does not have TouchGFX support yet from within CubeMX (we do have something working in the lab). You can select the H750 application template from within the TouchGFX Designer which uses a specific version of the Cube Firmware.
You will probably need help migrating this application into a CubeMX/CubeIDE projec, but if you want to try let me know.
2019-08-09 2:51 AM
Yes. I want creat one h743i project by cubemx and one project by touchgfx then combine the two. But:
1_ I don't know which options should be enabled in the cube. Ltdc?? Dma2d?? Rtos?? Sdram??
2_ Which option should I select when touchgfx opens? Because I don't have any of these board.
3_ when both cubemx project and tuchgfx project were completed, Which files and folders from the touchgfx project should be copied to the cubemx project folder??
Thank you for your guidance
2019-08-09 6:06 PM
Hi There. I have attached one of my test projects. It runs on my STM32H745i-Disco board in internal flash. If your h743 board is similar it should run out of the box. I also managed to get the dual core working with the System Workbench plugin in STM32CubeIDE. If you are interested let me know.
Have fun.
2019-08-20 7:54 AM
I have a H750-Discovery board as well as an H747 I-Eval board. My design process has been to utilize develop in the TouchGFX Designer and simply "Run to Target". But I am getting to the point I want to utilize an actual IDE for development and debugging. I am attempting to use STM32CubeIDE, but as you know, there are many integration issues with it.
Is the process of migrating H7 TouchGFX applications into CubeMX/CubeIDE a fairly straightforward process?
2019-08-22 4:27 AM
I would like to know if I can use STM32H743B with TouchGFX? I can see that it is not available within CubeMX, but can I copy mannualy TGX part from other project? Like STM32F746 that I have working? I want to use STM32CubeIDE.
Other question: Could it run without external RAM? Because STM32H7 has 1MB SRAM and maybe could embbed one framebuffer (480*272*3).
2019-08-22 4:38 AM
There's an application template for the H743I-EVAL in the TouchGFX Designer. You might be able to work your way from there knowing that BSP and setup is for the Eval board.
2019-08-22 5:04 AM
Thanks for quick reply!
Ok. My goal is using STM32CubeIDE, so is it posible to integrate this template in TGFX Designer to the new IDE?
I mean in STM32CubeIDE I import only TGFX files related to the GUI, the BSP files I use from STM32CubeIDE. Or it should work only from TouchGFX Designer?
2019-08-22 5:29 AM
Good question,
CubeMX does not support TouchGFX on H7 yet, so there's that, but you should be able to create a CubeIDE project from CubeMX and then add the configuration from the Application Template. You'd have to have everything important in user code sections (Anything that you would expect CubeMX to normally generate, and TouchGFX initialization). Give it a try and i'll help out.