STM32 MCUs TouchGFX and GUI

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Resolved! HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA with unwanted behaviour

I am working with the STM32H745XIH6 disco board to use HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA and send 3 different strings. But what I receive on the terminal are corrupted data. At least on the 1st send of every string, the string are not shown correctly.Let's say t...

I am using an STM32F469I$AU1 development board. I am also using the TouchGFX Ver 4.21.0 to develop a UI. I want to communicate through the virtual COM port using printf so I have modified the main() function in stm32cubeide to redirect printf().

I have redirected printf to output through USART3. USART3 is being properly initialized. I have checked that it is sending data through USART3 up to function HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, &*c, 1, 10); and everything looks right but no data goes out the...

SMaci.2 by Associate
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USART1 and dynamic graph

Hi, I want to receive 20 bytes.I want to receive them every 2 milliseconds and simultaneously.To show data, I am working with TOUCHGFX. I use dynamic graphs to show them.The problem is, I want to show 12 bits on each graph.I debugged my code , it sea...

nsabo.1 by Associate II
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UART sending data problem using TOUCHGFX

Hi, Im working on touchgfx with STM32H750XBH-DK eval board and gyro sensor. So I try to display the data using UART which I want to display using serial monitor(tera term) but its doesn't work and nothing display in my monitor.Basically i have try us...

Angle by Associate II
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