Sample code for IMU
Hi ST experts,Is there any sample codes available for IMU?I checked the info of X-Cube-MEMES-XT1 is already NRND.
Hi ST experts,Is there any sample codes available for IMU?I checked the info of X-Cube-MEMES-XT1 is already NRND.
I have examined the FSM example folder on github and, while there is an example for an external magnetometer, I haven't found any examples for an external barometer. Is there such an example? And if so, where can I find it?I believe I can create my o...
Sometimes, I am reading zeroes from IIS3DWB FIFO. I thought maybe it is because I am using a protoboard (using MKI208) so I connected it directly (with cables) to RPi 4 but it still happens.I guess it is not normal to find these in FIFO, can it be du...
Hello,For the asm330lhhx device, when does the scale value change and get set? I am trying to determine if the scale factor needs to be checked only once at power up or continually while reading the raw x, y, and z values for both the gyro and the a...
Based on power measurements I infer that using the LSM6DSV embedded SensorHub with a single slave (LPS22DF) costs ~6.4 uA. I can't find the expected current consumption for the LSM6DSV Sensor Hub in the data sheet or application notes. Is this a reas...
Where can I find the proper documentation for the functions in X -Cube - MEMS package and clear explanations for the use of functions
Hello,I'm evaluating the LIS2DUX12 accelerometer by using the combination of STEVAL-MKI109V3 and STEVAL-MKI238A. In the datasheet it stablishes that it can reach down to 10 nA during deep power-down:But when I measure the current consumption through ...
Hello! I'm evaluating the LIS2DUX12 accelerometer by using the combination of STEVAL-MKI109V3 and STEVAL-MKI238A. In the datasheet it stablishes that in order to achieve certain current consumption is necessary to have the Temperature sensor off:But ...
Hello,We have been using the LIS3DH for some time and recently acquire some LIS3DSH' as well.With both modules there is an internal pull-up for the SDO pin, and with the LIS3DH there is a register to control this pullup:CTRL_REG0I am not able to find...
I have four FSM programs working with the LSM6DSV sensor, all set to AODR/GODR of 30Hz in line with the examples I copied. Tap detect requires significantly higher ODR. I might also want to run the SFLP at a rate higher than 15 or 30 Hz, so does thi...