MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Capacitance/Voltage Converter

Posted on June 24, 2015 at 19:36Hello all, I would like to use an off-the-shell CVC as readout for my capacitive MEMS accelerometer. My concern is the acceptable input bulk capacitance, that is 30pF in my case. I have looked in a couple of CVCs, MS...

AHRS continous problem under CoIDE

Posted on April 19, 2015 at 20:33 Hi to all, I'm trying to use this demo, and I have noticed that my program remains blocked at this line of the iNEMO_AHRS_Init() void iNEMO_AHRS_Init(iNEMO_SENSORDATA* pSensorData, iNEMO_EULER_ANGLES* pAngle,...

daniel23 by Associate II
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A terrible question when i use MP45DT02

Posted on August 16, 2014 at 06:03Hi,I am Jessenow,i will use MP45DT02 in my projectbut i evaluated it in STM32F407-DISCOVERY,i found a kind of terrible noise , it sounds like ''dot……dot……dot……'',especially female voice.wish a solutionthank you very...

LIS3DSH noise problem

Posted on June 09, 2015 at 15:36Hi,I am using LIS3DSH accelerometer, sampling rate 100HZ scale = +-2G. What I see is from time to time is noise what is coming from one of the axis, I tried to add more decoupling caps, thy to change internal filter s...

LSM303D Magnetic Offset Registers

Posted on June 03, 2015 at 17:02 While working with the LSM303D, I ran into the following problem: The application:To detect disturbances in the local magnetic field (the sensor is stationary). I average a set of readings, and then su...

Nucleo-L053R8 with SHT15 humidity& temp sensor.

Posted on May 21, 2015 at 16:09Hi,I'm using SHT15 to measure temp&humidity. Here,I connected I2C1_SCL  in PB6.I2C1_SDA in PB7.I attached the SHT drivers i created. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the values on serial communication. Could some one look...

gandhi by Associate II
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LIS3DH read zero axis ???

Posted on May 27, 2015 at 15:54HiI have a weird problem.I manufactured a PCB with to accelerometers on it. One is LIS3DH and the other if from other manufacture (ADXL346).Both works from 1.8v regulator and are connected to on the same I2C bus. Both ...

mbed Software

Posted on October 23, 2014 at 01:15I was looking for mbed resources for the F401 and VL6180 Board referenced in manual. Is that available? #vl6180x

pbeverly by Associate
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ARHS algorithm problem

Posted on July 25, 2014 at 23:28Hello everyone,I am using iNEMO with AHRS algorithm provided by ST. I have noticed that there is a problem about function pointers initialization. These function pointers are used to point the  AHRS algorithm (whose c...