H3LIS200DL INT pins
Posted on July 03, 2016 at 06:57 What is the maximum allowable voltage applied to the INT pins (assuming open drain)? Why are ST's datasheets usually incomplete? #h3lis200dl
Posted on July 03, 2016 at 06:57 What is the maximum allowable voltage applied to the INT pins (assuming open drain)? Why are ST's datasheets usually incomplete? #h3lis200dl
Posted on July 07, 2016 at 11:19Hi everyone,I have tried to communicate with LPS22HB by I2C, and then I realized that the defaut value of CTRL_REG2 is 0x0, but the defaut value indicated in the datasheet is 0x00010000. Is there anyone has the same p...
Posted on July 04, 2016 at 08:11Dear ST engineer,I use LIS3DSH for digital angle meter development.But I have calibration error on LIS3DSH.I am study ST DT0053 6-point tumble sensor calibration.Could you give me a calculation example for the sensor ...
Posted on June 16, 2016 at 13:24Hi,the self test procedure described in AN4602 starts automatically by setting bit 0 to '1' in CTRL_REG1 register, but it is not well explained how to check if the self test passes or fails.If the self test passes, th...
Posted on June 23, 2016 at 23:53I have read over the user manual for the MEMs board, and I am using the example code from the DataLogFusion. However, I can never get the osx_MotionFX_compass_isCalibrated function to return true. I have tried hitting...
Posted on January 28, 2016 at 13:10Dear All,I am using LSM330DLC gyro-acc on my board and I have forgotten place pull-up resistors on the SPI/I2C selection pins. However it works fine. My question is can I develop my project without these pull-up re...
Posted on June 06, 2016 at 03:14I'm using IIS2DH, I config it to normal mode, so It's 10bit resolution, and I got 16bit data for each axis, now I right shift the 16bit data to get a 10bit data, and the range is 0-1023, is that right? but And if I k...
Posted on May 25, 2016 at 14:09Hello guys, I'm planing to use LIS3DHTR accelerometer in my next project. There is one thing (for the moment :-)) that is bothering me: The default state of the INT1 and INT2 pins is not explicitly indicated within a d...
Posted on May 25, 2016 at 18:57Hello everyone. This is my first posting on this forum. I am an electrical engineering major completing a senior design project. I am designing a smartwatch and I purchased the STEVAL MKI159V1 motion sensor and this wi...
Posted on June 27, 2016 at 15:50Hi everyone,I'm working on LPS22HB and I use Sensor Controller Studio (a TI's tool).Do anyone in this forum used this Studio? We can exchange knowledge and experience. Best,Dung. #lps22hb #ccs #scs